A safe and welcoming place for your young ones to learn about Jesus, build friendships and develop a passion for church.

The nursery serves children from 6 weeks to 2 years old, giving parents the opportunity to enjoy the church service without interruption.

Our preschool age class serves children from 2 to 5 years old. Children in this class learn Bible stories, sing songs, and work on Bible related crafts.

Elementary age kids attend worship with the rest of the church before being dismissed (with a round of applause) to their classrooms to learn Biblical principles and build friendships.
Key benefits of children’s ministries
Helps children develop a vibrant lifestyle with Jesus
We come alongside children in developing a relationship with God by teaching them the meaning and acts of worship, encouraging their spiritual gifts and helping them understand the power of prayer.
Supports and enhances the blessing of family
We teach children God’s model of the family, and equip parents in their God-given roles through support and encouragement.
Disciples children age-appropriately
We teach children that being obedient to God, with mustard seed-sized faith, will transform their lives into becoming more like Jesus.
Inspires children toward loving relationships
We teach children the virtues of the fruit of the Spirit by fostering loving-kindness, honor and respect toward God, family and friends.
Encourages children to be bold in sharing Jesus with others
We empower children to share the simple message of the gospel and to model love, compassion and generosity before their friends.
Provides a safe and fun place for children
We create an environment of physical, emotional and spiritual safety while having fun with a spiritual purpose that is joy-driven and full of laughter.
When you walk in the front door, our team will greet you and lead you to the family sign-in window. We’ll ask you to provide contact information as well as inform us about any allergies your children may have.
After this, you’ll be given a set of stickers with matching codes – one for each parent and one for each child. Place one sticker on your child’s shirt and keep the other one safe, as you’ll need to provide it to pick up your child after the service. This system ensures that only you can pick up your child, and helps our team easily contact you should your child need you during the service.
We want your experience here to be the best possible!
How to get the most out of your child’s time spent at Living Waters
Spend time getting to know the person serving in your child’s classroom before the service, and get an idea of what they’ll be learning that day.
- Once you get home, ask your children what they learned and to explain the Biblical message behind any crafts or projects they may have brought home
- Pray as a family before each service, both for your own learning and for the pastors and volunteers serving your children
- Build relationships with other parents – join a small group, invite people over for dinner, or join social media groups