Our Story
Living Waters Church was born of God with a definite vision from God and with the purposes of God settled in the hearts of Pastor Joel League and several other families in March, 1981. During our first year as a church, we gathered in the school gym at the Henry Clay Elementary School in Clay Village. What a test of faith and perseverance this was for us! The 150-200 members were faithful and showed themselves good soldiers of the Lord and God rewarded our faithfulness. In May, 1982, we dedicated our new building located on Frankfort Road at Clay Village.
The new building was home, to not only the church worship services and activities, but to Living Waters Christian School. The vision of a Christian school for the four county area was in the hearts of those first pioneers as Living Waters Church was formed. Beginning in 1984 Living Waters Christian School started with an enrollment of thirty-five students, and grew consistently each year. In the Spring and Summer of 2000, the Christian school was re-organized and separated from its parent, Living Waters Church – with a new name and new leadership. Cornerstone Christian Academy built a new building down the road and continues to prosper to this day. Glory to God!
In July 2013, founding pastor, Joel League, retired and Stephen Riley became our new Senior Pastor.